Why Groups: Proven Ideas to Multiply and Transform Your Group led by Matthew Gibbs, Carl Johnson, Eric Eggers
This session is for all small group leaders and Sunday School teachers. Learn how Jesus modeled disciple making through groups, practical teaching tips that will engage & inspire, and how your group can provide a pathway back to the church for the hurt & unengaged.
Taking the Lid Off Your Group Multiplication Strategy led by Ray Sullivan
The majority of discipleship leaders agree that more groups reach more people. But starting a new group in a church can be a sticky and often problematic endeavor. Nobody wants to "split" their Sunday School class. If you are a Pastor, group leader, or just want to see disciple-making flourish in your church, this breakout will help you think through your unique church culture and context to foster a groups multiplication movement.
Winning the Church Back to Men led by Chris Harper
What's being called the era of the Dechurched, 40,000,000 people have left the church in the last 25 years, and men are leading the exodus. This breakout will show how we got here and what practical steps we need to take in winning the Church back to men.
The State of Manhood led by Delario Bolton
Where are men today? The 2024 State of Manhood is a quantitative look at North American men concerning their faith, family, and vocation.
Key to Multiplying Gospel Impact Through Your Senior Adult Ministry led Mike Taylor
Join this breakout to learn creative ideas and proven principles for growing a Senior Adult ministry.
First Impressions and Guest Services led by Robbie Norman or Jason Young
Join this breakout to learn practical ideas and proven principles for building a dynamic first impressions experience as part of an overall assimilation plan.
New Member Connection and Assimilation led by Robbie Norman or Jason Young
Attend this breakout to learn proven ideas on how to build a culture of biblical church membership through your new member or discovery class.
Fears in Disciple-Making led by PJ Dunn or Carl Johnson
We are called to go and make disciples, yet fear can overtake us and our churches from fulfilling the Great Commission. In this breakout, we will look at the real fears we have in discipleship and how to overcome these fears.
Open Your Church to Deaf People led by Nathan Hill and Laramie Burris (West Rome Location Only)
You can create opportunities for deaf people to worship and study the Bible in your church. Lay a foundation for a Deaf Ministry and enable deaf and hard of hearing people to participate in your church.